2013年4月15日 星期一

Würzburg (13 Apr. 2013)

Würzburg is a city worth going. The downtown is not big, so it's good to walk throuth the whole main part of it.
Würzburg Hbf

dining room in my hotel

my room

my bed

the elevator was so cool!! you have to open the elevator's door like this!!!

my hotel

the Platz in front of my hotel

The guide book recommanded a food called Original Fraenkische Würzburger Bratwurst near the Marienkapelle sold by Batwurst Knüpfing but only before 5 p.m., so I hurried to get there since it was almost 5 p.m..
It was cheap and a lot of people were lining up. It was really good!!!
Marienkapelle, there's a store lining up so many people, and that's just what I was talking about, called Batwurst Knüpfing

It was very cheap, only 1.9 euros

Gummy bear!!!! I bought it! sweet and tasty!!!!

street in front of Dom


the door of Dom

Neumünster (new church)

the restaurant I went for dinner

the Rathaus was next to it which was quite small....

Walking through the town, I saw there's a place were really crowded!!!!
I walked there and saw what was going on.
Do you know why?

Because of this is the most famous restaurant for selling wine.
The most interesting part was that you can take the glass away and you can get 5 Euros if you return it which I didn't, I kept it as a souvenir.
Oh~~~~~~ What a wonderful evening!!!! Most people drinking on the old Main bridge to see the beautiful view and talk to each other.
the view on the bridge!!!! It was so~~~~ sunny!!!!!

there were lots of people lining up for buying the wine!!!

Prost!! To myself!!

Actually, I don't know what was he doing~~

I walked through the bridge to the western side of the city. There's a place called Festung Marienberg which was a good place to go.
You have to climb the mountain and get the top of it, and then, here you go~~~ the wonderful view.

Fenstung Marienberg

a church on the other side

a restaurant!!

I went to a century heritage here, Residenz, which was designed originally by a baroque genius architect Johann Balthasar Neumann. The decoration inside were very luxury especially the Kaisersaal, the room which was full of gold and mirrors. Sometimes I really can't imagine did they really live in the house like this!!?? Unbelievable!!!!

the ceiling!!!!


Kaisersaal, mirrors and golds everywhere!!!!

At the end, I went to the garden behind Residenz which was very nice. And it's the end of Würzburg.

the garden behind the Residenz

