2013年4月8日 星期一

Stuttgart: part II (Porsche Museum & Schloss Ludwigsburg)

It was about time to eat lunch, since Xhiyi and Xu Chen saw Cube on my guide book and decided to eat there despite that I didn't it the day before. Fortunately, we founded!!!! It was on the top floor in  Kunst Museum. The food was quite nice. But we waited for too long for the food, it was after 3pm after finishing it.
Xu Chen wanted to go to Schloss Ludwigsburg, which will be closed in 5 p.m., so we ran and took S-Bahn get there but it was only allowed to get in with tour guide which the time just pasted, we decided to come tomorrow.
the Audi cars were on a long long long long~~~~~train!!!!!
Cube has many customers
Cube has a good view to the Schlossplatz

Schloss Ludwigsburg
Schloss Ludwigsburg
There's time to get to Porsche Museum by Taxi, so we took it.
The style of Porsche Museum is quite a different museum compared with Benz since Benz is full of old cars but Porsche is opposite. Just see the following pictures about Porsche Museum.
the building has almost the same weight as Eiffel Tower, which means they used  very  heavy solid matirials to build it....

it was a very strange car... because the vice driver's seat looks very tough to sit...

full of race cars!!!!
I asked Xu Chen as my model so that I can show that the car was really installed beneath the roof

this motorcycle is pretty cool!!
the engines for planes

what an interesting demonstration !!!!

I believe the polices gotta need that!! haha~~

I just loved it!!

the headlights are awesome!!

the model of Porsche Museum

There's an interesting thing we saw when we walked in the streets near Porsche Museum, there were more than 80% cars are Porsche on the road!!!
What an amazing thing here!!!!!!! We were totally shocked by this!!! Are these people live here have a cheaper price to buy or they're all rich!?
Oh btw, we saw almost every staff of Porsche drives Porsche......
there were Porsche everywhere on the streets....
We believed that they were the cars belongs to the staffs...

It was late after watching Porsche Museum, we decided to go back to Hotsel to take a rest preparing for the next-day trip to Schloss Ludwigsburg.

The third day in the morning, we got to Schloss Ludwigsburg early and took a tour guide in German. (It was OK because Xhiyi unterstood German...XDDD)
P.S. Before going to the Schloss, I went to recycling the bottle for the deposit, and I got 25 Cent!! I think the machine is so~~~~~~~~~~COOL!!!!!!
the recycling machine, which will suck the bottle you send in.
See the below black region? It was used for sending an entire box of bottle to recycling, cool isn't it ?!

Taking photos is prohibited in Schloss Ludwigsburg, I could only say the Palace is quite large and it is in Baroque style.
in the Schloss Ludwigsburg
Xu Chen and I

Xhiyi and I

Since all of us need to rush to trains soon, we left before the tour was over.
Xhiyi and Xu Chen were heading to Paris and Spain, and I was going to Fuessen.
These two China people were really friendly. Thank you guys~!
Goodbye, Stuttgart!! Füssen here I come!!

Here's a thing is horrible, even in only short two days trip with two China, I got a China accent now and I can't change it back right away...T^T
If people talk to me, they must think I'm from mainland China.
Xhiyi siad he loves to see the TV shows in Taiwan, such as 康熙來了 and 國光幫幫忙...funny huh~XDDD

