2013年4月27日 星期六

Kassel (27 Apr. 2013)

Took off the train, I stunned. The temperature was quite low I believed! I checked it and it was true......only about 5 degree Celsius..... The weather in Europe is really unstable...@@
Kassel Hbf, the decoration was quite interesting.

Uh....I don't know why there's a statue which a man walking on it just in front of the station.

My hotel, Hotel Schillerquartier

my room, very clean and large !

I don't know why they has to put "Die Räuber" on the wall, which means "the robbers"

Königsplatz, the shopping street

the department CITY POINT was very large and fashion~!

I believed most people didn't want to go out for shopping in such a bad weather......you have to know it was Saturday!!

Museum Fridericianum

Ottoneum, a nature museum

Walking along the street Schöne Aussicht, you'll see the scene like the pictures as shown below. After that, you'll get to Brüder Grimm-Museum. I really like this museum because of the rich exhibition.

Neue Galerie

Brüder Grimm Museum in Kassel


Little Red Riding Hood

Puss in Boots

Puss in Boots

Hansel and Gretel

Seen such a high tower, you can figure out it's....?

yes, Rapunzel

The Valiant Little Tailor

The Valiant Little Tailor

Snow White

storytellerwoman with the features of Dorothea Viehmann from the village "Zwehrn"

the Brothers Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm (left) and Jacob Grimm (right)

Puss in Boots

Uh....... who's she?
The weather was totally a disaster, I couldn't go to the Wilhelmshöhe to see Statue of Herkules because of the time and weather, so I decided to go there the next day. However, I didn´t want to go back to hotel so early, I went to......... window shopping, again...XDDD

It´s a cinema!! just like Warner Village!!


Because the weather was bad, and I was afraid that I might not go to the statue of Herkules the next day, so...... I took this picture first just in case...XDDD

Muttertag am 12 May~~

The next day, I saw the rain stopped out there!!
Great! I decided to go to see the statue of Herkules. At first, I thought the traffic system was easy to get there, but one thing I forgot: it was Sunday... Actually most of the trains and buses were transfer at station Kassel Wilhelmhoehe. I looked at the map and I thought it was not that far from Kassel Hbf, but I wasa wrong, it took me an hour to get there... Haven't started my trip that day and my feets were already tired...@@

walking along the road, you see the statue just right in front of you!! But...... very far from you, too.

the train station Kassel Wilhelmshöhe, most of the trains, buses and trams will stop by here!!!!
This picture is the bus and tram stop in front of the train station.
I decided to took a tram to the park Wilhelmhöhe, which is just under the statue Herkules.

by tram 1, you'll get tram stop Wilhelmshöhe.

Start from the tram stop, you'll enter the park Wilhelmshöhe first.

Schloss Wilhelmshöhe

the weather is getting better

You can also see the castle Löwenburg, but I didn't went there because of the time.

Start walking into the park

I like here!!

Along the park when you climb up, you can see many many streams beside you.

The only bad thing is that it was under construction now, and the view was totally destroyed by that.....

Oh~~~getting closer to Herkules!!


After half an hour, I still felt Herkules was still far away from me.....T^T

Almost there!!!!But....................the stairs were very scary!!!!! It was so~~~~~steep!!

After about 5 mins, I got the middle point.... the view was so~~~~great all the way down.

Almost there!!!

Everyone got up were all exhausted....

I could see the station Kassel Wilhelmhöhe, could you? The roof was very conspicuous!


Time to go back down.....

Look back, you'll see Herkules seems just like standing on the Schloss...XDD

Different from other cities, some of the pedestrian traffic lights in Kassel was very cute, just like the one in Berlin.

If you come to Kassel, please you must go to the park I said and the statue of Herkules, because it worth.

