2013年5月9日 星期四

Leipzig (09 May 2013)

In Leipzig, I felt more musical than Dresden. Here I visited so many musicians' museum, like Bach, Meldelssohn, and Schumann. When I got there, I realized after I asked the reception of the hostel that 09 May is a Father's Day in Germany, and they got a holiday this day!!!! So,... most of the stores were closed, and fortunately the museums were still opened. Since I had enough about the history about Germany, I only visited the museum related to musicians and others unrelated to histories or paintings. Btw, the weather this day was very unstable, rainy this moment and sunny later, and so on. So... good! It was a nice day to stay in museum!

I could saw it was raining away from me!!! It remind me something about atmospheric science.......

Leipzig Hbf was larger than Berlin Hbf since there's a larger shopping mall in the station!!!! It has almost 30 platforms just like München Hbf!!!

Leipzig Hbf

I saw a huge wall painting on my may to the hostel, so cute!

The entrance to my hostel!!!

my hostel, say cheese Leipzig!!!! The position was perfect that it only took 1 mins walk to the main square!!!!!

in the early morning, so quiet!!!

Museum Coffee Baum hadn't open yet!


It was rainy and almost no one on streets.

Thomaskirche, a very famous church in Leipzig because of some musicians such as Bach.


Since it was too early that no museums were opened, I had a nice breakfast~!!!
The left one was Jogurtcappuccino~!! It means there's yogurt on the cappuccino~!!!

So rich was the breakfast~!!

Next to Thomaskirche, there's a sculpture of Johann Sebastian Bach.

In front of the sculpture, it's Bach Museum.


It was used as a donation box before they found it belongs to  Bach families!!!

Bach had 20 children....................

a garden in Bach Museum
P.S. I've dropped my umbrella there which stayed with me for more than about 4 years because the rain stopped when I got out and I totally forgot it until the museum was closed......T^T

Neues Rathaus

So many visitors were stunned by this building, do you know that it is? A building of Leipzig Universität, actually!!!!

City Hochhaus


Not far from main platz, you can get to Mendelssohn Haus~!!!



I liked this one, because it was my first time to see a total score and you can follow the score on the screen!!!!!

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, he died in 04, Nov. 1847.
I was born in 04, Nov.!!!

Time to check in~!!

the alley outside from my hostel!!

WOW~~~ look at their dressing!!!!!

the hostel I lived

Took a short break in hostel for waiting the rain stopped, then I continued my city tour.

People getting out~~!!

Inside the caffee baum~!!

I thought it was used for drinking tee.........@@

a musical school~~~!! I could heard some voices inside~~!!!!

Museum in der "Runden Ecke", I didn't get in because it was something about modern history of Weimar.

People were getting out~~!!

There were some nice shopping malls you can see just like this one, Mädlerpassage~~!!!

in front of Mädlerpassage


inside the passage

It's a very famous attraction called Auerbachskeller





There were some places have lions like this one~~!!

In the end, I went to Schumann Haus. The location was a little bit far from the center of the city, so almost no one were there when I got there.

Schumann Haus, I thought it was also closed because the door was closed.............@@

Similar to the one in Mendelssohn Haus

Auditorium, similar to the one in Mendelssohn Haus.

The family tree was simpler then Bach.

Have you seen the movie of Schumann? I think she's the actress in the movie~~!!

It was the house of Schumann and his wife Clara in 1840 - 1844.

Grassimuseum. It was also a museum which has more than one museum inside. I didn't get in because of the time.

the meadow in front of Grassimuseum

another Passage

Finally, I ordered a 1L bier!!!!! And............ I almost drunk in the end........= =|||
My capacity of liquor was so bad.....T^T

a nice dinner~

Center of Leipzig was not big, so you can take your time visiting here. I think here is also a music city!! Great~~

