2013年5月6日 星期一

Berlin: Museumsinsel (06 May 2013)

In Berlin, there's an island full of museums, Museumsinsel. The time was limited and it was Monday, so I only visited two museums. This time, I found I started to like some museums of histories or arts. After this day, I thought maybe I should go to National Palace Museum in Taipei someday, and probably I'll feel something different.

In Museumsinsel, there were too many museums that you can buy a 3-day ticket and spend enough time just right here. Unfortunately, I had only one day to visit the museums......

the hostel I stayed for the second day and the third day in Berlin. It was really big!!!!
I lived on 7th floor!
(8th in Taiwan, because the counting of floors is different)

The hostel was next to the Alexanderplatz, a shopping area!!!

Did you know what were they doing? It's.................raining!!!!! So suddenly....

Taking S-Bahn to Alexaderer Platz station and you'll enter the area of Museumsinsel soon. Although you may not see it on the photos I took, it was under constructions everywhere in this island!!!!!

Actually, the Berliner Dom was much taller than I thought!!!!

Berliner Dom is located next to the Spree river

Alte Nationalgalerie

Altes Museum

Berliner Dom

The rainbow~~


Some cities in Germany they have this kind of tour guide by taking this vehicle~~ I really want to try it some day...@@

Although it was Monday, there were still so many people didn't need to work and had time to visit the museum.......

The staff told me that only two museums were open, the Pergamonmuseum and Neues Museum. So...I didn't have choice! First, I went to the most worthy museum in Berlin to go. I really liked here because I saw many things I've seen and learned only on the historic textbooks. Actually, when I was in high school, I liked the Western history better than the Eastern one. (I don't like history at all still......) Some of the exhibitions were replicas and the real one may be in British Museum (I've been there when I was 16.) and Louvre. I really admire those people who studies archeology, because it's a study that really need a lot of patience.

outside the museum was under construction, so I couldn't see the view of the whole building.

People were crowded in the entrance of the museum.
It's Pergamon altar, the first thing you'll see.

First, you'll see many sculptures about the Greek mythology.

Ares Athena


the model of Pergamon altar

the model on the back of Pergamon altar

the sculpture of Zeus without head

Miletus market gate

This one was my favorite, because really like the history about ancient Western, and this Ishtar Gate was just exactly in front of me!!!! Just like the one in the textbook!!

Remember this one? Very familiar right?

It's Codex Hammurapi from Babylon~~!!! (1792 - 1750 B.C.)
The original one is in Louvre, Paris

They're drawing the pictures which was on the wall.

the model of Ishtar Gate

It's just a part of the road, the audio guide said you have to multiply the width 3 times, and the length ....I forgot,. Anyway, it's quite impressive~!!!

You'll see an special exhibition of Uruk. But....sorry I didn't remember I've learn it before....@@ I've searched it on the internet and now I know it's an ancient city of Sumer and later Babylonia, situated east of the present bed of the Euphrates river, on the ancient dry former channel of the Euphrates River, some 30 km east of modern As-Samawah, Al-Muthannā, Iraq. (from Wikipedia, details see here)

I really admire the people studies things like this....how did they do it!? Why could they know what the ancient people whiting about!? Amazing!!

Going upstairs, you'll enter the region about Eastern, mostly Islam and Turkey. Although I knew it should be interesting, but....... I got tired for visiting the museum and almost slept.......@@ So.....I just take a glance of the region and left. Sorry about that, I think I should choose another time to visit here again......

Basically, the foremost thing you should see here is the artifacts of Islam and Turkey. They have a very fine skill on their artifacts!! And very colorful as you can see. Btw, I got a carpet bought from Turkey by my parents.

lots of parpets

Since I bought the Musuemsinsel ticket, which can visit the whole museums on this island. In other words, it's more expensive...... So.....although I got tired, I still decided to go to another museum, Neues Museum. Most of the things inside the Neues Museum were all about Egypt. I've seen something like this in New York  before, and I didn't have much strength to visit the whole museum in detail, so I didn't take much attention in this museum. But there's one thing the visitors must see, Nefertiti Bust. Since the photos was strictly prohibited to take in that area, I could only tell you that it was very beautiful but also awkward.... because her left eye was white!!!! Oh! Btw, the decorations inside were all distinct in each area and were all very beautiful.

Neues Museum

Nefertiti Bust, the only picture I could take of her is this....@@

I spent almost 5 hours in only two museums!!!  With the pace of just looking around and didn't take much attentions in details in Neues Museum!!!! Next time I come, I'll spare 3 days to visit here!!

Since I got things to buy, so I went to have a short shopping time. There's elegant shopping mall called Hackesche Höfe. It's really nice here!! I thought it was a building just like other department stores, but I was totally wrong about that. Just see the following pictures and you'll see why.

Hackesche Höfe. It looks like just a building and nothing more, but actually......

It's more than that. Entering the door, you'll see the decorations here are very elegant and looks just like a small yard.

Is that all? No! You'll see almost ten small yards here with different atmosphere!!

Most the stores were on the base floor, so usually you don't have to walk stairs here.

WOW~~~ It would be great if you have a tea time here!!

There's an elegant stairs~!! I don't know where to go.

next to the Alexanderer Platz station
End of museum day~! Quite a good day~!

