2013年5月8日 星期三

Dresden (08 May 2013)

Dresden, a beautiful city located in east Germany. Although the center of the city can not be compared with Berlin, it still need at least 2 days to visit the whole center of the city, unfortunately I didn't. Since it need about 2 hours from Berlin by EC to get here, it was already 11 when I hot here. There's an interesting thing was that the hotel I lived let me check in at 11 without any question!!! So... great!! I went to visiting the city without worrying about my luggage right away~~~ Basically, Dresden has two part, old city area and new city area, and I started from the old one which is also the main one.

Dresden Hbf, also very large!

the hotel I lived

It's single room with bathroom and TV!! Most of all, only 29 euros per night!!! Great!!!
Not far from taking S1 to get here from Hbf.

Start from Hbf. In front of the staion, it's a shopping area!

After a few minutes walking, you'll get Altmarktplatz.

Fridrich August II


inside Frauenkirche

Verkehrmuseum, there's two interesting sculptures.

the one on the right

fthe left one is exactly what I want to say, see that!!!! Chinese style!!! But I don't know what's the relation between a traffic museum and this sculpture......

Soon, going went and you'll see the most amazing museum in Dresden, Residenzschloss. Although the name of the building is a castle, inside here has already been a museum. At first, I didn't want to get in because the price is not cheap, but in the end I was attracted by the decorations inside the building. There are an extremely large amount of exhibitions inside and you can spend a whole day here if you have a deep look for the exhibitions. The castle is composed by many museums, Historisches Grünes Gewölbe, Neues Grünes Gewölbe, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Rüstkammer: Türckische Cammer, and Münzkabinett. Thanks to the time, I only visited Historisches Grünes Gewölbe in detail, and only took a glance in other museums.

After visiting here, I strongly recommend you guys must visit here if you come to Dresden someday, especially the Historisches Grünes Gewölbe. Inside this museum, trust me, you will be definitely stunned by the exhibitions inside. There are totally 9 rooms displaying 9 kinds of different exhibitions. For example, one of the room is called Juwelenzimmer (Jewel Room). In this room, you'll see every single display is so shiny because it's jewels everywhere and you couldn't imagine how did they protect it!!!!!!

Unfortunately, most of the museums in Residenzschloss is strictly prohibited to take pictures inside (there were dozens of staffs standing around you in the museum so that it's impossible to do it...),.so if you want to know the introductions about Residenzschloss in details, see here. Now you can imagine how great is the castle.

side of Residenz

the side of Residenzschloss

Once you get inside, you'll see such a beautiful ceiling made by glasses.

the view of ceiling of the Residanzschloss from the outside

Theaterplatz, also the next stop.

the river, Elbe.

Since I really wanted to go to Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon in Zwinger, I had to leave Residenzschloss. If I stayed in Dresden for two days, I would spend at least a half day here in Residenzschloss. Another place you should go is Zwinger, a palace which is just beside Residenzschloss. There are also lots of museums inside, so you can spend another half day here. As I said, I only visited Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon, which is also a nice one. The photos are allowed to take so... enjoy it!! If you want to know what's in Zwinger, see here.

Oh! the sky didn't look well...


Zwinger. It was raining suddenly!!! But stopped soon also.


You can see the top of the roof of each building has a golden statue.

Don't know why, but so far the museums about math and Physics are all similar in their displays, mostly clocks and Astronomy.

Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon

It's a clock, and......the eyes of the horse can move with the "second"!!! So cute!!!

an calculator~~

some displays about the generator

a huge generator

In ancient time, they know the "time" by observing the stars up in the sky.

See there's a hole on the wall next to the window? You can observe the sun through the hole and observe it and then calculate the time accurately!!!!!!! Here it also explains the time difference between each places.

the mirror used for heating by sun

See the right one? It's a vacuum machine.

the instruments used for sketching a map


the knife use for erasing words or something you've written and drown

It's called a sector. Can you imagine such a small thing can used for numerical calculating and change money!! I really wondered how it worked!!!!


Wow~~~ They already had encryption device in 1587~~!!

And also the cryptological dividers~~!!!

cryptological divider


They like to sketch the zodiac onto the globe

I really like this one, do you know it's device which has eight clocks!!?? And do you know why?

Because these are the time of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Satum, Sun, Moon, and also Earth itself!!

What a beautiful, wonderful , and excellent design it is!!!

It's almost 6 p.m., time to go to the new city area.

the old city area and the new one is distinguished by the river Elbe, and you can walk through the bridge Augustusbrücke to get to another area.

the best view of old city area

the same as the one I took right~~XDDD

Fridrich Augustus I

Walking through the bridge, you'll see this road, Hauptstraße, also a shopping area.

I like this one, Neustädter Markthalle. Because...

the inside is like this~~!! It's so lovely~~!!

OK, a short trip in Dresden but also a nice one. It would be nice if staying here for 2 days at least.

