2013年5月5日 星期日

Hamburg (02~05 May 2013)

Hamburg is the biggest harbor city in Germany. It's a lively city in North Germany, here you can stay for about a week and won't be boring at all! In the morning, you can visit some attractions and museums; while at night, you can go to see a opera or musical, or if you don't mind, you should go to the red light district here and don't be shy.

Hamburg Hbf

the view in front of my hostel

the view from my hostel

in front of the hostel

the hostel I stayed, and it's the best hostel I've ever lived in Germany!!!!

I can't believe that there's a stamp vending machine in the hostel!!!

my room. I got two roommates, and one of them is a Father!!!

my hostel was just ON the station!!!

the restaurant on the sea

an opera playing Lion King in German version

Cap San Diego

Das Feuerschiff

the harbor was under construction

a chorus had a performance in the park

a symphonic band had a performance in another park
After that, I was wondering why all the groups playing music had the same thing, the blue scarf. Soon, I found out why. It was a church's day in Germany. They told me that every two years in Germany, they'll choose a city to hold church's day, and it was in Hamburg this year. I just met it by accident! It was quite interesting~!

Soviel du brauchst
the 34th session of church's day

it will last for 5 days

Soon, I got to the shopping district in Hamburg. Now you can guess it's in front of the main station...... totally just like any other cities in Germany...XDDD

Hamburg Hbf

WOW~~~ It's the first time I saw the countdown displays in Germany, which is very normal in Taiwan but not in Germany.


Where is it?

WasserBar, which means a bar only has water. But the interesting thing is that it's free!!!!

It's Rathaus

there's a concert at night in front of Rathaus


Here in Hamburg, you can easily see many people wearing sailor caps, even the taxi driver~~!!

I think it's a kind of mascot for the church's day. Its head can turn very similar to human beings!!!!!

Because of the time was getting late and there's no where I wanted to go this night, so I decided to join them even though I'm not a Christian~! It was a peaceful, warm, and wonderful night!

I got it for free. Singing with them were so interesting!! Although mostly I didn't really understand the meaning of the words, I still like the atmosphere like this~!

Time to sing the last song and pray.

People started to light up the candles

the opera at night~!

the view of harbor at night

the hostel at night

inside the hostel


The next day, I got the Hamburg Card to go around in the city. It's quite convenient~!!

Hamburg Card

Die Bibel ist ein Märchenbuch, which means the Bible is a book of fairy tales.

First, I went to Speicherstraße to visit Miniatue Wunderland.
After the visit there, I went to have a visit by boat in Alster, a lake in Hamburg, for 2 hours.

European really like to take the sun calmly in any place.......

the boat I took

the route of the Astler lake tour fr 2 hours

See!!!!!!! the duck parents took their kids swimming in the lake~~~!! So cute!!

a small horror house next to the lake

I was told that it's a very famous kind of chair along the north coast cities in Germany.

Beside the lake, there were a large region for shopping, so I went there.

When the time is about to late, I decided to go to one of the most famous tourist attraction in Hamburg, Reeperbahn, the red light district in Hamburg. At first I was a little bit nervous, but after a while, I found that you don't really have to worried too much because you can see many night tour guides and many young and old people visit here and actually the atmosphere is very happy but not scary in most of the regions.

the position of this A&O hostel was so~~~~~~~ close to the red light district.

Große Freiheit, one famous street here.

Große Freiheit, one famous street here.

Some main door of pubs were very creative!

In this area, the police station is located right next to the most complex area and will have the patrol frequently, so that's why I said you don't really have to worried too much.

It's the biggest sex shops I've ever seen here!!! As you can see, the decoration outside looks just like a boutiques. Inside the shop, they really have boutiques about sex!!!!!!!! I was totally stunned there....... AMAZING!!!!! If you want to know the detail, please come and visit yourself~!!

there's still an ceremony in the red light district area.....XDDD

the Hamburg Oper is also in this area

It's a church, and it's in the red light district!!!!!

It's the view in front of the church....

Went back to hostel and had another cocktail to end the night~!!

The third day, I went to Lübeck and Lüneburg, see here.

The fourth day, the day I left Hamburg, I went to Fischmarkt. It was a market only on every Sunday early morning!!! I strongly recommended that you must visit it if you come to Hamburg. But remember, only on Sunday morning~~!!!

Good morning, Hamburg.

As you can see, full of garbage.........


There were already many people here at 7 a.m.

These were all seafood!!

The sellers were very similar to the one in Taiwan in many night markets!!!! But they were much more crazy!!!!XDDDDD I've record some videos but I couldn't upload it....T^T
Anyway, most of them would put everything in a basket and shouted, "Nur zehn Euro!! Nur zehn Euro!!"
I'd seen something was really cheap!!!!! And they not only sell seafood but plants, candy,...

the candy shop were very few people here......maybe it's because he's not shouting~~~XDD 

selling cookies,, too!!!!!

I really love this one, and I believe the German like him, too!!

His selling skill was too good to refuse to buy his things~~XDDD
When he's selling things, he'll give 2~3 people here some things for free~~!!!

After the "shouting", everyone went forward buying immediately!!!!!! Successful!!

Goodbye, Fischmarkt.

It was really cool!! How did he/she threw it into the bin!?

Tschüs, Hamburg~~~~ Hope I'll see you again~!!

