2013年7月21日 星期日

克羅埃西亞 (Part 4) Croatia: Nacionalni Park Plitvička Jezera (20 ~ 21 Jul. 2013)

在Croatia,最具世界知名度的自然景觀,非 Plitvice Lakes National Park 莫屬了。其公園主要是由16座湖泊及無數的瀑布所組成,此處亦為喀斯特地形的經典代表作之一。其湖區主要可分為上湖區與下湖區,兩區的景觀不太相同,上湖區充滿著森林與瀑布,而下湖區多為矮灌叢。其他細節就不再多做說明,大家可以在網路上查到相當詳細的資料,這裡大家就...看照片就夠了XDD 我只想說的是,這裡的水清澈到非常不可思議!!!

The most famous natural landscape in the world in Croatia? It must be Plitvice Lakes National Park. It's composed mainly by 16 lakes and lots of waterfalls, and it's also one of a classical Karst topography. There are two parts, upper lakes and lower lakes, and the scenes are quite different, full of forests and waterfalls in upper lakes and mostly shrubs in lower lakes. Well, I don't want to go further here, because you can find lots of information on the internet. So......just watch some photos, then!XDD I just wanna say, the water here is too clear to believe it's real!!!!!

On the way to the park, there's a rest stop with so many stuffed animals...

The bear behind the rest stop.

the whole map of the park

the elder one made fun of the younger one...XDD

It's like an elephant or a wild boar.

The aquatic under the water is clearly visible!!!!!

^ ^

這些水草在水面下喔!!! 清澈到太扯!!!
These aquatics are under the water surface!!! Unbelievably clear!!!!!

相信各位已經看到"哇哇哇"了,不過以上是我隨手照的就這樣了,相信如果再看到專業的照片後一定會巴不得想衝到Croatia這邊一探究竟!!! 另外,聽說中國的九寨溝比這裡還要漂亮,下次有機會可以去走一遭。

I'm sure that all you guys are all amazed by far, but the photos above are only taken by me arbitrary. I believe you'll earnestly wish to get here to take a deep look if you see some professional photos!!! Btw, I heard that the view is much more beautiful in Jiuzhaigou in China, maybe I can go there some day.

