2013年7月19日 星期五

克羅埃西亞 (Part 2) Croatia: Split, Trogir (19 Jul. 2013)

Split 是 Croatia 境內的第二大城,並且為整個 Dalmatia 海岸的核心,而其歷史主要就是當年西元293年的羅馬皇帝 Diocletian 在此地建造了一座皇宮而興盛起來,其用途為當年為了自己退位後所使用。其皇宮的北、東、南、西門分別稱為金、銀、銅、鐵門,各有特色。這座皇宮有個特色,就是地下室,在被挖掘出來之前,前人沒有多留意在上方蓋房子,並且在地上直接挖洞當作垃圾桶,直到後期被人們挖掘出來後才發現有個如此規模龐大的地下室,卻被人們的垃圾堆滿了。如今,Split已發展成觀光勝地,人來人往相當熱鬧。

Split is the second largest city in Croatia, and also is the core in the coast Dalmatia. The history mainly started from AD 293 years, Roman Emperor Diocletian built a palace here, Diocletian Palace, which was built for his retired life, and then it thrives since then. There are four gates of the palace North, East, South, and West gate, and each of them are called Golden, Silver, Copper, and Iron gate respectively. There's a special thing I want to say, the basement. Before digging it out, people built houses on it without much attentions and dig some holes on the floor in the house directly as a trash can. After so many years later, people dig it out and found such a huge basement which is used as a trash can by people before. For now, Split has become a famous tourist attraction.

一到Split,先到 Restoran Kadena 這家餐廳用餐。
We lunch first at here Restoran Kadena when we arrived Split.

Diocletian Palace

銅門 (南門)
Copper Gate (South Gate)

The basement of Diocletian Palace


Dalmatia 沿岸知名的團體,Klapa
A famous band along Dalmatia coastline, Klapa.

This coffee shop which is located along the stairs is quite interesting!!

a very narrow alley

It's a real Sphinx moved from Egypt in ancient times!!

聖約翰喜禮堂 (朱比特神廟)
Sveti Ivan Krstitelj

There's also statue of Saint John.

There was a couple taking wedding photographs.

Such an elegant lady stood next to Northern door.

另外,在 Croatia 有位影響力相當深遠的人,寧斯基教皇,他是一位10世紀的主教,主因是他當年力爭不用拉丁語而是斯拉夫語進行宗教的彌撒,當地後人為了紀念他,因此在此立了一座雕像,並且傳說摸過這座雕像的左腳大拇指可以帶來好運,因此現在來這邊可以看到他的左腳大拇指金光閃閃。

Besides, there's a man has a profound influence in Croatia, Ninski, a pope in 10th Century. The main reason is that he strive to use Slavic language for mass instead of Latin. People in local set up a statue to memorize him. Oh! Btw, it is said that touching its left foot thumb may bring good luck, so you can see its thumb is very bling now!!

Pope Ninski

Croata 為Croatia知名的領帶品牌。事實上,領帶的發源地就是在Croatia,而原名即為Croata。
Croata is a famous brand in Croatia. In fact, the cradle of tie is Croata, and its original name is Croata.

在 Split 旁,有個很小的古城 Trogir ,此處已於西元1997年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。特別是其實他是一座小島,但別小看它,這裡的歷史可是要追溯至西元前3世紀,歷經千年的洗禮過後,該處已沒落下來,不過也因此成了整個中歐中,保留結合仿羅馬、文藝復興、歌德、巴洛克等等各種風格建築最完整的城市,相當值得一看。

Next to Split, there's a small old town, Trogir, which has listed as a world heritage by UNESCO. The special thing is it's located in a small island between main lands, but do not underestimate it! The history here has to trace back to 3rd Century BC. After thousands years, it has declined by far. Therefore, it has become the most integral city in the whole central Europe which remains the most architectural styles with Romanesque, Renaissance, Gothic, Baroque...etc..

Grad Trogir

Kopnena Vrata (Land Gate)

Gradska Loža & Toranj gradskog sata

the door of Katedrala Svetog Lovre

The owner of the house, also a painter, called himself Romeo and Juliet.

The wreckage of the wall as become a part of the bar.

短暫停留後,離開了 Trogir 小城,前往Šibenik。

Stayed shortly, we headed to Šibenik from this small town Trogir.

我們住在 Šibenik 的旅館
The hotel we stayed in Šibenik.

