Arrived the first stop in Croaita, Dubrovnik, the city every visitor who come to Croatia must go. Different from Budva and Kotor, the area of the old town here is much bigger and more prosperous, so more stores here for sure. What remains is the color of the ocean, blue.
我們住的旅館,Raddison Blu Resort Spla Dubrovnik Sun Gartens The hotel we lived, Raddison Blu Resort Spla Dubrovnik Sun Gartens |
住在Dubrovnik的房間 The room I lived in Dubrovnik |
一大清早,還沒什麼人在海邊 In the early morning, few people were on the beach. |
海水相當清澈!!! The sea water is very clear!!! |
我老爸非常想下水XD My dad really wanted to get in there~XD |
皮勒城門 Gradska Vrata Pile |
來到Dubrovnik,一定要爬他的城牆,可以將其古城的精華一覽無遺。 You must climb up the wall if you come to Dubrovnik, because you can take all the essence of the old town at a glance. |
左上方的旗子即為Croatia的國旗 The flag on the left is the National flag of Croatia. |
親愛的老爸老媽 My dear parents |
聖布萊斯教堂前廣場與Stradun大道 Plaza in front of Crkva Svetog Vlahe and Stradun Avenue |
聖布萊斯教堂 Crkva Svetog Vlahe |
大歐諾弗利歐水池,許多人都會在這直接生飲,很冰!! Onofrijeva Fontana, many people drink the water here directly, which is very icy. |
不可以踩在水溝上,否則愛情會不美滿! Your love won't be happy if you step on the ditch. |
水相當清澈 The water is very clear. |
在大歐諾弗利歐水池旁,有座非常特別的修道院:方濟會修道院。 Next to the Onofrijeva Fontana, there's a very special monastery, Franjevački samostan. |
左邊的是? What's on the left? |
這是一間從1317年就開始營業的藥房,至今仍在營業當中。 It's a pharmacy opening from A.D. 1317, and it's still open now. |
The man was mending the fresco in the monastery. |
離開皮勒城門 Leaving Gradska Vrata Pile |
這在哪? Bosnia Herzegovina (波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納)!! 從Dubrovnik沿岸向北走會過境這。 Where is it? Bosnia Herzegovina!!! You'll pass here by going north along the coastline from Dubrovnik. |
這是一間在波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納的雜貨店,居然有日本跟台灣的國旗!! Wow!!! The flag of Taiwan and Japan!!! It's a grocery in Bosnia Herzegovina. |
在 Croatia,有兩座最有名的大島,Hvar 島與 Korčula 島,這兩座島都是歐洲人的度假勝地之一。而這次,我們是來到了 Hvar島。由於是短時間的團體旅遊,因此其實來到了這座島上只是參觀一下外國人所謂的渡假勝地其容貌為何,並沒有多做停留。這座島嶼的名產即為薰衣草,然而生長時節剛過,因此這次並沒有看到太多的薰衣草,相當可惜。
In Croatia, there are two famous islands, Hvar and Korčula, and both of them are perfect resorts for European. We went to Hvar this time. Due to the limited time of group travel, we didn't stayed too long but only visit what a so-called "perfect resort" by them looks like. On the island, it's famous for its lavender. Unfortunately, the growing season was just over, so we didn't see much lavender, what a pity!
車子正在等待上船當中,而其渡輪由當地知名的渡輪公司Jadrolinija經營。 The cars were waiting in line getting on the ferry, which is run by the local famous company Jadrolinija. |
從 Sućuraj 碼頭到 Hvar 城鎮將近兩個鐘頭的路程,沿路的景象不是海景而是這樣。 The scene of the course near 2 hours from Sućuraj Pier to Hvar downtown is like this instead of sea. |
我們在Hvar島上住的旅館,Amfora。 The hotel we lived on Hvar Island, Amfora. |
這是一個用海岸邊圍成天然的游泳池,居然還圍出了泳道!!!!! It's a natural swimming pool, which is based on the coastline!!!!!! They even got swimlanes!!!! |
別以為沙灘才能躺著做日光浴,歐洲人什麼地方都行的! |
另外,在Hvar島上有另一個相當具有歷史價值的私房景點:Stari Grad 平原。雖然如今在這平原上已經看不太到什麼東西,並且人煙稀少,然而其實打從2400年前這裡就已經有相當完善的農耕系統了!
In addition, there's a special attraction full of histories on Hvar Island, Stari Grad Plain. You won't see many things here actually and very a few people lived here, however, there was a comprehensive farming system over 2400 years ago!!!
自家釀的酒 homemade wine |
Stari Grad 平原 Stari Grad Plain |
從斑駁的牆壁可看出這一區的歷史有多久遠。 You can conjecture this area's history from the mottled walls. |
離開Hvar島,當然還是要排隊上渡輪。 Leaving Hvar Island, it's still necessary waiting in line for getting up the ferry. |
這台自動炸柳橙汁機看起來挺有趣的。 This machine squeezing oranges automatically seems quite interesting!! |