2013年7月17日 星期三

蒙特內哥羅 (黑山共和國) Montenegro (Црна Гора): Budva, Kotor (17 Jul. 2013)

Montenegro 在這次行程當中其實只有半天,但很明顯可看出這裡比阿爾巴尼亞還要進步多很多。Montenegro這國名源自於義大利文,monte 是義大利文中山的意思,而 negro 是義大利文中黑色的意思,顧名思義當年人們看到這國土時的第一印象就是黑色的山之意。

Although the trip in Montenegro had only half a day this time, it's still obvious that it's more and more in progress than Albania. The name of Montenegro comes from Italian. "Monte" means mountain, and "negro" means black. As the name implies the first impressions of the people here is the mountains in black.

這次到 Montenegro 是由於從Albania 沿著 Adriatic Sea (亞得里亞海)到 Croatia 會經過 Mongenegro,而當中就有兩個相當經典的古城:Budva 與 Kotor。從 Albania 向北走,我們先到了 Budva,一個擁有超過2500年歷史的古城,如今則是巴爾幹半島的海灘度假勝地之一。在這古城區旁,還有個著名的小島 Sveti Stefan,已改建為旅館小島,雖然許多旅遊書籍與網路都會提到這個島,一般民眾卻還是想住也住不了,要超級巨星或是全球夠知名的人物才能入住的

We came Montenegro since we'll across here along Adriatic Sea from Albania to Croatia, and there are two classical old towns cross by, Budva and Kotor. Going north from Albania, we came to Budva first, an old town which has a history over 2500 years and becomes one of a beach resort in Balkan. Near the old town area, there's a well known island, Sveti Stefan, which has altered into a hotel island. Although there are so many travel books and websites mentioned this "hotel" island, it's almost impossible for general public to live there but only for superstars and famous people in the world such as Elizabeth II.

Our tourist car stopped just right on the sidewalk.

Sveti Stefan為私人小島,上面是飯店但非一般民眾可入住的。
Sveti Stefan is an private island, there's a hotel on it but not for the general public.

The bonus of our lunch: mussels.

Taxi boat

Wall of Stari Grad

Walking into Stari Grad

Crkva Sv Ivana


The Island of St Nikola

Walking in the alleys in the old town, what an interesting experience!!

Leaving Stari Grad

離開 Budva,緊接著繼續向北行來到Montenegro的經典古城 Kotor。一到 Kotor,立即映入眼簾的,一側是停著豪華郵輪的海岸,緊鄰的另一側就是 Kotor 城堡,最特別的是由於其城堡建在山邊,因此後方建構在山上的城牆就似乎看到了中國的萬里長城,相當引人注目。而在這長城中,會看到一座特別顯眼的建築物,即為 Saint John 教堂 (Свети Јован),想到這座教堂還不容易,必須先爬好一段時間的山坡才行,由於這次是團體旅遊,無法自行前往,否則我一定會想攻頂,眺望整個Kotor城堡區,想必會相當優美。

Leaving Budva, going north we went to the most classical old town in Montenegro, Kotor. There are two things you'll see when you arrived, one side is the luxury cruise moored on the coast, and Kotor castle another. The most special thing is that you'll see the wall constructed on the mountain which looks like the Great Wall in China due to the castle was built in the foothills. Along the wall, you'll see a conspicuous building, Saint John. It's not easy to get this church since you have to climb up the mountain for a while. I couldn't go there this time because it was a group travel which wasn't allowed to off the team, otherwise I really want to get up there and overlook the whole area of Kotor castle, which must be very attractive!

There's a cruise next to the castle.

The wall of the old town on the mountain, which is like a miniature of Great Wall in China.

the wall of Kotor Castle and the moat

As long as you see the flying loin statue like this, it means that the Venetian had occupied here before, and it's very common in Balkan.

the Clock Tower

Trg od Oružja

It's a house which belonged to a wealthy family, who wanted to demonstrate their financial resources.

Katedrala Sv Tripuna. Actually, the left tower is 5 meters higher than the right one.

I don't know what's it about, but I saw someone use it as a open-door coffee table.

Perast Island

很快地,我們就這樣離開了 Montenegro,一個我會想再來參訪的國度。

Soon, we left Montenegro, a country where I want to visit again.

