2013年7月23日 星期二

2013年7月22日 星期一

克羅埃西亞 (Part 5) Croatia: Rijeka, Opatija, Pula, Poreč (21 ~ 22 Jul. 2013)

Here, we went to 4 places, Rijeka, Opatija, Pula, and Poreč, in 2 days, which means we didn't really have much time visiting.

2013年7月21日 星期日

克羅埃西亞 (Part 4) Croatia: Nacionalni Park Plitvička Jezera (20 ~ 21 Jul. 2013)

在Croatia,最具世界知名度的自然景觀,非 Plitvice Lakes National Park 莫屬了。其公園主要是由16座湖泊及無數的瀑布所組成,此處亦為喀斯特地形的經典代表作之一。其湖區主要可分為上湖區與下湖區,兩區的景觀不太相同,上湖區充滿著森林與瀑布,而下湖區多為矮灌叢。其他細節就不再多做說明,大家可以在網路上查到相當詳細的資料,這裡大家就...看照片就夠了XDD 我只想說的是,這裡的水清澈到非常不可思議!!!

The most famous natural landscape in the world in Croatia? It must be Plitvice Lakes National Park. It's composed mainly by 16 lakes and lots of waterfalls, and it's also one of a classical Karst topography. There are two parts, upper lakes and lower lakes, and the scenes are quite different, full of forests and waterfalls in upper lakes and mostly shrubs in lower lakes. Well, I don't want to go further here, because you can find lots of information on the internet. So......just watch some photos, then!XDD I just wanna say, the water here is too clear to believe it's real!!!!!

2013年7月20日 星期六

克羅埃西亞 (Part 3) Croatia: Šibenik, Zadar (20 Jul. 2013)

在 Šibenik,其實並沒有停留太久,主要就是去看一座相當獨特的教堂,聖雅各大教堂 (Katedrala Svetog Jakova)。獨特之處在於,這是一座全世界完全只用白色石灰岩而沒有任何木頭或紅磚建造當中最大的教堂,並已於西元2000年被聯合國教科文組織列入世界遺產。

In fact, we didn't stayed too long in Šibenik. We only went to see a every unique church, Katedrala Svetog Jakova. It's the largest church in the world which built only by white limestone without any woods or bricks. Also, it has been listed as a historical heritage by UNESCO in AD 2000 year.

2013年7月19日 星期五

克羅埃西亞 (Part 2) Croatia: Split, Trogir (19 Jul. 2013)

Split 是 Croatia 境內的第二大城,並且為整個 Dalmatia 海岸的核心,而其歷史主要就是當年西元293年的羅馬皇帝 Diocletian 在此地建造了一座皇宮而興盛起來,其用途為當年為了自己退位後所使用。其皇宮的北、東、南、西門分別稱為金、銀、銅、鐵門,各有特色。這座皇宮有個特色,就是地下室,在被挖掘出來之前,前人沒有多留意在上方蓋房子,並且在地上直接挖洞當作垃圾桶,直到後期被人們挖掘出來後才發現有個如此規模龐大的地下室,卻被人們的垃圾堆滿了。如今,Split已發展成觀光勝地,人來人往相當熱鬧。

Split is the second largest city in Croatia, and also is the core in the coast Dalmatia. The history mainly started from AD 293 years, Roman Emperor Diocletian built a palace here, Diocletian Palace, which was built for his retired life, and then it thrives since then. There are four gates of the palace North, East, South, and West gate, and each of them are called Golden, Silver, Copper, and Iron gate respectively. There's a special thing I want to say, the basement. Before digging it out, people built houses on it without much attentions and dig some holes on the floor in the house directly as a trash can. After so many years later, people dig it out and found such a huge basement which is used as a trash can by people before. For now, Split has become a famous tourist attraction.